We're Trying To Find Stability: a collective card reading for the Highest most expansive wellbeing of all, and harm to none:
Feeling called to pull three cards
Three stacks popped out of the deck
In triangulation of how you're feeling, with some reassurances
9 of Cups reversed
You might be feeling like you're not special
You might be feeling that you're contorting your self into a place that you don't want to be
Or is it just the discomfort that comes with trying something different than what you consider as usual for you - the reverse still has that same energy of the knight and because it's with emotions I'm feeling maybe it's trying something new that's uncomfy...
I'm wondering if there's anything in your current experience that feels negatively like "this is what happens when you try something new"
Because look we're in alignment, this 6 of Wands
It feels maybe kind of intense, but there's also something about the image - every monster has a little twig for its mouth
I also get a spiritual sense with a 6 relating to guidance
This idea that G-d doesn't give you anything you can't handle - if you're here grappling with it, then you are literally able to handle it...to some degree
This isn't to gaslight or enable oppressive ableist behavior, it's a reframing from another perspective - is this a call to action and agency?
So if this is the base of our triangle, the idea that we're being taken care of and it might feel a little twisted right now, we're supporting this masculine energy of the
King of Wands - feels very Aries to me
That fiery inspiration of wands
The action of wands
The sense that we are in the driver's seat of our life
Control can be a good thing - we need some form of control to navigate the physical
It's not all a freefall - at some point we're controlling some thing - think of control as a dial, if turned up too high can be problematic
I'm also getting this King of Wands energy really requires the Spiritual
What if our crown that we wear isn't actually on our head so we don't ever take ownership of it?
...the crown is just an energetic hue to our aura having mastered something or having moved into the driver's seat of our life...which ultimately makes us a creator
What does it mean to embody all that you are with confidence?
...without hiding it?
What sort of wisdom and clarity is apparent in you?
On the bottom of the deck we have the 9 of Wands - a little reminder that we're nearing the end of something
I have this analogy metaphor thingy about setting boundaries; that it feels like plugging up a hose with your thumb - the water pressure gets really intense at the very end when you're right about to fully plug it
Expect there to be a sense of uncertainty
Expect that when you reach the end of a treacherous path, that too may feel unstable
You don't have to change anything, just acknowledge that this could be part of this journey
That's the vibe I get through all of this - we're trying to find stability
There's desire for stability but from the pull I get the reassurance that this too is "stable"
We might want to label orderliness as stable and disorderliness as unstable...maybe there's a neutral, for lack of a better word, way to view "stability" in a sustainable sense
How are you growing
And can you acknowledge that this too is stable, that this too is trending with stability?
Take good care as we navigate the fiery charge of Spring through another eclipse amidst a Mercury retrograde...
Remember that when we seek guidance we are likely just wanting affirmation or space to affirm our own knowing
I channel this for the collective and it may all or some or none relate and resonate
You are invited to share this reading or another moment of connection with someone you hold dear
The more interconnected we are, the softer the weight of the changing world
Much love
Trans Alchemy