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A collective card read for what we need to hear today:

Worthy and Love cards both reversed from When My soul Whispered Oracle

I was feeling a bit of sadness tuning into this pull - my sense that there's a grief happening around something that wasn't expected. Or maybe it's around something that's been going on for a while and this is a call to acknowledge and move past and through the grief.

Maybe you've been feeling lonely, not because you're physically alone. You might feel lonely in a crowd of people or not feeling seen by your friends and family.

There might even be some anger. When you're not sensing into your inherent worthiness then everything in the world happens "to" you. People become offensive because you don't know your worth and so what everyone else says is felt as true because you're not rooted into your own worthiness.

This seems to pair well with the Love card because it doesn't feel like we're anchoring into love right now. We're being offered perspective here. It might be sad but it's time we start letting emotion be a sign that something needs to be released as opposed to a sign that we shouldn't go there.

We might not be able to do this from where we're at. We might need to revisit after sleep instead of after a long day - choosing the moments to sense into those feelings when you're rested and can create space for you to you don't have to worry about being accidentally vulnerable during a work meeting. This is your suggestion that noticing is just an initial part of transformation. We can notice all day everyday - we can notice what's wrong, what's right, the problem, the solution. But at the end of the day noticing is just a start. Can we fully accept that we've been here in this place of feeling unworthy and out of touch with love?

We're always one decision away from flipping these cards around, right side up, feeling worthy - and BEING love.

tip of shoes standing over a flowering Yarrow plant and ancestor, yellow buds in bundles

Lessons from a ladybug/ladybird:

Think about how many plants you've walked by; how many ladybugs you've walked by without noticing it. How many shrubs might have had leaves covered in ladybugs if you had stopped to look? A prime example of how living our truth, being who we are to our fullest extent is so important to our wellbeing and all the fears we have around being "seen" are inflated; most people don't care and walk right by.

There's obviously hot button topics and stuff in the current public dialectic but other aspects of who you be are essential. Maybe you want to tap into your sense of humor. Some people might not even get your jokes but, living your truth as an embodiment practice and stepping into your worthiness.

Talk about what you love, read what you want, explore your values!

White Magnolia bud fully open above a sidewalk

Lessons from the Love card:

It's not love if you're not feeling it. If it's intellectualized then it's not love, it's an opinion.

Love is a feeling; a process.

The first and middle bite of a delicious meal. Looking in the mirror into your eyes and crying, hugging your body. Going for a walk slowly and stopping to look at a tree. Listening to a dear friend without judgement or opinions but just listening and holding space.


Love so that you live in a world where Love exists!

All-in-all this read feels very much like addressing the seat of awareness and how we're individually processing, reflecting, and receiving reflections. It really starts with us. What can you do today to love your self tenderly. What's one small action you can do today to tap into the greater Love that exists in the Universe? It may be a very small thing, but find something small to do even if it's saying thank you for a few things before going to bed. Even if you're giving thanks for morning coffee, or the literal bed you're laying in, or that you have all the hair on your head, or that you don't. It doesn't have to be a deep spiritual precept.

Loving reflects that we are in a place where Love exists!

Pulling cards for the collective from the When My Soul Whispered Oracle Deck

Two Oracle Cards, Unconditional with an image of a swan with spread wings on water and Divinity with an image of a pair of feathered wings with a halo centered at the top
An Oracle Card called Unconditional with an image of a swan with spread wings on water

The first card to pop out of the deck was Unconditional

I feel like this card is calling us to pay attention to what supports us when we're in transition. The image could be of a swan taking flight out of water or the swan settling down into the water - either way she looks peaceful and not disruptive to the water. Maybe we're feeling extra tender and this is a reminder to seek refuge in what supports us whether that's a walk outside, hanging out with a certain group of friends, relaxing some of our routines to allow our body to return to a state of rest, and/or what feels right for you in this moment.

When we're caught up in the madness of doing and doing and doing we forget that the natural state of the Universe is unconditional love. Opinions and judgements are all created within us as a separation from that natural state of the Universe.

Go easy on your self if you notice your self in judgement or opinion mode and allow your self to tap into something more expansive and loving

One Oracle Card called Divinity with an image of a pair of feathered wings with a halo centered at the top

The second card that popped out was Divinity

I don't think I've ever drawn this card from this deck before and I love it

There's something very imperfect about this card which is more wings with a halo in the top center. The orientation of the card is balanced and symmetrical but I get a sense of imperfection from the colors and the splashes. There's an expectation for the Divine to equate to perfect or flawless and I invite you to sense into the ornate nature of the wings on the card. Notice how the edges are not firm and straight but there's lots of grooves and movement.

Consider this your encouragement to keep tapping into and holding space for that which is more expansive than your self because the answers that you're looking for might look/feel different than an expectation you've been conditioned to believe.

I feel like this card's coming up with the Unconditional card because in these moments of difficulty we have simultaneously an opportunity to be on our knees so to speak or at a bottom feeling that sweet gift of desperation.

This is an opportunity to sense into, let go, and receive what's already here for you!

~ Take a moment to pause and breathe and ask for guidance without expectation and see what comes ~

From the guidebook, here are some words for a vibration of light: ENOUGH, AMPLE, ADEQUATE, PERFECTLY IMPERFECT

Thank you for reading and being here and sticking with your journey through life and all that unfolds for you and all of us <3

Pulling cards for the collective's most expansive well-being from the Muse Tarot deck


The first card was the 9 of Voices

This feels like guidance that we're feeling ungrounded.

Maybe we're struggling and/or learning more about how we express ourselves and connect to others.

Remember that everything's a duality as we experience it.

If you're feeling unsure it may be a signal to rest more as opposed to making a reactive action.

The second card is the Queen of Inspiration which feels like it's giving us hope and guidance.

This feels like a call for going inward.

There's a small suggestion for some of you to connect with an animal guide - is there an animal that you feel called to or repeats appearances in your life? Or maybe an animal that relates to someone that you love that has passed or that you associate with a place, a thing?

We're still being called to go inward to connect to our deeper truths - and as we go inward we will find more and more light.

Regardless it still feels like we're walking on sand - technically being on earth but feeling very effortful to move, sometimes impossible...even though we're technically on earth. We can take this time to connect to the reality of what is instead of trying to force our way through a desert.

It's a suggestion that we're in a time for balance and receiving as opposed to giving. Maybe we don't have as much to give, so it's a time to receive. Going outside to receive the light of the sun instead of relying on our own habitual efforts of going to the gym or going into meditation with a question or exhausting our body in other ways. Knowing we can receive by resting and taking in the natural aspects of the world gives us all that starry energy we feel like we're lacking.

The last card that came through is The Lovers which is a 6. As I see the 6 as a reverse of the 9 and the Q in Queen of Inspiration that feels like an attempt at a circle in a symbolic way, it feels kind of balanced.

It's a gentle reminder that even if it feels like we are in tumultuous times or in lots of change that even now this is balance doing its work.

The Lovers card seems to lead with a signal of how to maintain that hope - how are we forming relationships? What are we letting in in the pursuit of feeling whole or connecting with our wholeness?

We can be delicate and let things unfold in many different ways. We thrive by finding our intricacies and trusting the universe will meet us where we're at. There is an element of maybe we're finding love or the love we're finding is sort of feeling less like the same but more complementary.

Like if you are a talkative person with a lot of air energy maybe teaming up with someone with a lot of water energy who is able to process all that stuff or someone with earth energy who can ground you and what you offer.

Seeking community as a complementary way to exist.

And the lovers card calls into a suggestion of courage. Finding that strength to seek connection, allow that connection even if it's fearful. Knowing that community building is messy inherently. It doesn't necessarily need to be romantic a connection. Love is a natural state of being. Being in right relationship with nature is a form of Love.

Overall it feels like the spread is highlighting some difficulties we're having in the moment and signaling us to go within. It's only by going within and connecting to that which is greater than our selves that we can truly be ready and aware to connect with the 3D energies that allow us to sustain life, community, and finding love in whatever shape or place it may be. Generally being in a place to receive, which is a place to clearly ask for what we want and be able to receive in reciprocity.

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